Saturday, January 5, 2008


Salaam everyone..... its been a very bz week.. well... normal situation when the school reopened. Now.. how many of u ever trying to be an "Eco-chic" hehehe macam going green lah something like tat. U know.. like recycling ur used stuff, reducing the usage of plastic etc. I did a personal survey last Wednesday... How?

Location: Supermarket in my hometown (pemos ni kedai ani)
Time: 4.15 pm
Target Cashier Counter: Yg long queue
Aims: To find out whether people aware with 'Go Green', global warming etc.

I bought fruits and masa kan membayar... i searched for cashier yg byk customer... so i saw one... & start lining up...
Cashier: Ma'am.. ada ***** card?
Me: Nada

Then... when she about to take the shopping plastic bag...

Me: Inda payah pakai plastic.... simpan dalam sini saja (my shopping bag)
Cashier: Ohhhh.... (dengan muka yg heran)... nice bag.
Customer behind me: Abis dah plastic durang (kedai) ani kah?
I just smiled....I could feel tat few customers were staring at me.

Hah..... when I was about to leave... security guard atu pun tercangang meliat! Cheh....

Findings: Nope.... inda byk yg aware with the current situation... maybe ada... but inda banyak.. or maybe some juz dont care about it.

Hmmm... survey yg kurang memberangsangkan!

Next survey soon.. another supermarket.... lunch time or after office hours (4.30pm+) heheheh... lets see nanti...

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